They will end up adding F2P worlds anyway
They will end up adding F2P worlds anyway. There’s too much of a demand for the not too.
They need to have some form of f2p content, where players can play the oldschool servers and experience for nothing. RuneScape 2007 Gold. When you go to watch a movie at the cinemas you watch a trailer. When you buy a headset you get inspired by a friend who has the same one because you know how good it is. When you go to a music concert, you sus out the bands music to see if you like it. RS 2007 Gold.
Without any free content, where players can see the game then they won’t be interested in paying the fees to play the game. Plus, players who can’t afford the fees at one given time in their life due to personal issues should still be able to keep up and play the game with less content.RuneScape Gold.
The games set up to fail, and its the same with the clanworld. The views of the clan world can be read in the Clan Discussion section if your interested.