Magic users are strong against melee users in Runescape
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Magic-users are strong against melee users, but are weak against rangers due to the fact that most Ranged armour provides good Magic defence bonuses and binding spells such as Snare don’t help if fighting someone who can attack at a distance. When fighting as a mage it is suggested to make use of stat-lowering curse spells and binding spells in order to maximise effectiveness.
A player or monster using melee is at a significant disadvantage when faced with a foe who can keep out of their attack range, lower their stats, and deal damage. Additionally, when fighting monsters, use of safe spots may be helpful.
When using binding spells, another tip is to keep track of how long the opponent will be frozen and cast combat spells accordingly. For example, Entangle freezes the opponent for 15 seconds, and takes 3 seconds to cast, leaving 12 seconds with which to cast other spells.
Since each spell takes 3 seconds to cast, it is possible to cast 4 spells before the target can move again.If a monster has a particular elemental weakness it is recommended to take advantage of it. For example, iron dragons are vulnerable to fire spells.
It is worth mentioning that the forces can increase damage from all attacks, whether it is a melee attack, a remote attack or magic attack. Properties assigned for each occupation, there are differences, in order to highlight figures. First of all, you need to understand the characteristics of their own career; Secondly, you need to spend a lot of time and money.Here the trust of platform, welcome to enter to meet RS 2007 Gold.