Runescape3 Kalphite for King
Head into the Exiled Kalphite Hive, if you dare. It’s going to take all of your skill and concentration, a group of staunch comrades, high combat levels and the very best gear in the game to take down this mandibulate monstrosity.

The Kalphite King’s too much to handle alone, so you’ll need to bring friends. You can face him in groups of up to 20, and you’ll need to have mastered the full breadth of EoC combat tactics to survive. You’ll need to cycle tanks using threat-generating abilities, take careful note of the king and his minions’ vulnerabilities, and co-ordinate your group to avoid deadly area-of-effect attacks.
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With this in mind, you’ll most likely want to face him in a group of friends, with whom you can practice and develop strategies. The Kalphite King’s Chamber is instanced, and we’ve introduced a new grouping system for the area that lets you determine how and with whom you want to undertake this monumental combat feat. When you enter, you’ll be asked whether you want to create a new instance or join another, and instances can be locked to a specified number of players; to a minimum combat level; and to those with a pass code of your choice. It’s also possible to determine the spawn rate of the king within your instance.