The only updates that should happen are simple bug fixes and minor changes
This is 07scape. Simple as that. The only updates that should happen are simple bug fixes and minor changes, not a complete overhaul to the game itself.
You can argue as much as you want, but once you get bored with the same 4 GWD monsters, you’ll ask for the Corp beast to be released, and then when you get bored of that, you’ll want Nex, and we’ll just go down the same path again. If you want your crapty new monsters, go play EoC. The concept behind 07scape was to give everyone an experience with what the game was like in August, 2007, not what you wish it would’ve been.Runescape 2007 Gold.
If you want a list of cons, here you go:
Will ruin the PK community.
Will set us on the path back to EoC.
Will make 99 smithing laughably easy and cheap.
Will change the concept of “August 2007scape” to “Jagex is going to make a version of Runescape that I want, and screw the original concept”.
Aviansie bots will get everyone and their mothers 99 range in weeks.