10 Year Veteran Cape

Today sees the long-awaited launch of the 10 Year Veteran Cape – a cape available only to members that have been playing RuneScape for 10 years or more. A lot can happen in 10 years – just take a look at RuneScape back in 2002!
The gates of Gielinor had barely been open a year when Ardougne made its first appearance on the map, and the poor (or should that be rich?) Carnilleans first fell victim to the heinous Hazeel Cult. 2002 was also the year that Tutorial Island welcomed many new visitors to RuneScape, and many an adventurer also met their demise at the hands of the newly-arrived King Black Dragon!
Back in the real world, 2002 saw Japan and Korea host the FIFA World Cup, and The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers first hit cinema screens.
If you’ve been playing our game for 10 years, you certainly deserve a special item to mark this magnificent commitment. This prestigious garment is available to members only, a members item and it can be purchased from Hans, who can be found in the grounds of Lumbridge Castle.
Before you head off to get your cape and enjoy its impressive new emote, we’d just like to say a big thank you to all of our loyal players, and we look forward to creating further veteran capes as and when each new milestone arrives!