The problem I’m having now with the new HTML5 is a problem
It still looks ugly with AA off but at least slightly ‘better’ in my opinion. But then again, that’s just my opinion.
The thing is, I don’t think HTML5 supports any other mode of AA. At least that’s what a J Mod implied the other day when he said that they weren’t planning on tweaking AA further. Hopefully this will change and my assumptions are wrong and with that we’ll be given the same mode that we use on the JAVA version.
The problem I’m having now with the new HTML5 is a problem that I was having with MineCraft texture packs.
When installing a HD texture pack on MineCraft, you get different types, depending on how big your screen is or something like that… If you pick the wrong one, everything in the Runescape 2007 Gold game won’t look sharp and it’ll be fuzzy in the distance.
I am having this very problem with HTML5.
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Yeah… I don’t play minecraft but I think I know what you mean, considering the HTML5 beta is looking awful for me. Try turning antialiasing off. It’s causing problems because it uses one mode of AA that’s very simple and only looks for edges instead of focusing on a case by case basis.