Runescape improved Loyalty Programme
Very soon, you’ll be able to spend your hard-earned loyalty points not only in the Loyalty Shop, but also on many of the great items in Solomon’s General Store. As mentioned in Mod Mark’s recent Behind the Scenes article, the Loyalty Shop is merging with Solomon’s!
On Monday 19th August, the Loyalty Shop will close down for one week. During this time preparations will be made and upon re-opening – as part of Solomon’s – you’ll be able to buy runecoin items with your loyalty points.
Also, accessing your Loyalty Programme information will be easier than ever. No need to visit Xuan’s locations or tab out of the Runescape Gold game client; simply open Solomon’s General Store and view it directly from the store interface.
On top of this, all existing loyalty points outfits are getting a graphical upgrade, and will be accessible as cosmetic overrides through the Customisation Interface.
Be sure to check out how we’ve updated the Loyalty Programme to be even more generous:
Anyone who is a member for a year receives an exclusive milestone reward, with more for whole, consecutive years of membership that follow.
Players who subscribe for several months in a row receive bonus loyalty points, with hefty amounts awarded every six months of consecutive membership.
For more details, check out the official FAQ. We’ll be updating this and releasing full details of the new and improved Members’ Loyalty Programme when we launch!
What’s happening to the Loyalty Shop?
The Loyalty Shop is being merged with Solomon’s General Store, keeping all your cosmetic items in one place, allowing many to be equipped as overrides, and allowing certain items to be bought with your choice of runecoins or loyalty points. During the run-up to this change, the Loyalty Shop will be closed for a week, from 19th to 26th August. Solomon’s General Store will remain open as normal for this duration.
What happens to my loyalty points?
You’ll still be rewarded loyalty points on a monthly basis, and your current points will be saved while the Loyalty Shop is being merged into Solomon’s, ready for you to use after it opens.
Will I still be able to access the store through Xuan?
Yes. You’ll be able to access the newly combined store by speaking to Xuan in-game.
Will I lose any loyalty points during the merge?
No. Your loyalty point total will be saved while the Loyalty Shop is closed. You will still be able to view your points, how many you are due and when they will be received by visiting Solomon’s General Store.
I normally get my loyalty points in this week while the loyalty store has been removed. Am I going to miss out on my points?
You’ll receive your normal number of points even if the Loyalty Shop is closed, and they’ll be waiting for you to spend after it receives the makeover! The points awarded will reflect the old Loyalty Programme, and will be updated to give you the new points on your next handout.
What happens to the loyalty items I’ve already purchased?
These will remain on your account.
Loyalty shop cosmetic outfits will be accessed as overrides through the Customisation Interface after the merge. They’ll also get a graphical upgrade!
If you have a Loyalty Shop cosmetic item stored in a dragon keepsake box, you will be refunded the keepsake key upon launch of the update.
Most other items will be available from Solomon’s Store, although a few items – such as auras and item recolours – will remain available through Xuan’s Loyalty Shop as before.
Full details will be available on release.
What are bonus points and can I get them more than once?
Bonus points are additional loyalty points given to players who have continuous membership over several months. You’ll receive big helpings of these for each 6 months that you retain your membership.
Full details of how bonus points are awarded will be given on release.
What are milestone items, and how often do I get them?
Milestone items are rewards for the most loyal players, and will be rewarded every year of consecutive membership. Players who have been on the Loyalty Programme prior to this merge will receive the milestone item/s according to the number of months they have been with the Loyalty Programme – players who have been signed up for 12-23 consecutive months will get the year 1 milestone item, while those who have been signed up for 24+ months will get the year 2 milestone item.
Will loyalty point or runecoin prices be changed? If an item is made cheaper, will I be reimbursed?
There will be no price changes.